Untitled 2013
I've been working in and making theatre for over 25 years. I am primarily a theatre director and writer, but I've also been an actor, a photographer, made, exhibited and sold art among other things.
My work (so far) has taken me from the Royal Opera House, London to an 18th Century manor house in Finland via the streets of Milan and the rolling hills of Ireland. Encompassing the likes of Hamlet, Woyzeck, The Lady Of Sorrow and Orlando.
I've been the recipient of awards from Arts Council England and The Peggy Ramsey Foundation for some of my work in the theatre. I've also won awards for my photography and I've have had poetry published.
Some of my plays have been compared to that of the Absurdists from théâtre de l'absurde. Although I don't like labels as they only describe you in one particular moment in time and we are never just one thing, I am happy to be called an Absurdist, because of the absurd world we live in.
I've found over the years that working with and in different artistic mediums, they all seem to complement each other when I'm creating new works. One naturally lends itself to the other as the ideas are invariably linked in my mind. For example when directing a piece of theatre, I am constructing each scene and moment like a photograph and with each photograph I am telling a story and with each story I am playing with words that will effectively get my or another writer's point across.